Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend Update With Jared Kass and Tina Fey!

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted. Where does the time go? Let's see... Saturday I got woken up abruptly at 2:30 in the afternoon, thanks Erica!!! Kidding! I shouldn't be sleeping that late anyway, no matter if I was up until 3 a.m. the previous night. Matt and I were initially planning on coming back to Akron around 5 in the evening so rather than work on my 6 page paper that was due Monday I sat around playing Civilization 3 for a few hours. It's an awesome game, I get to conquer the world as pretty much anyone I want. I could be Shaka Zulu!!!!! Where was I, oh right, I was playing Civ 3 when I noticed it was about 6 So I gave Matt a call. Then I texted him. This was followed by a few instant messages, a few more texts and 2 to 3 more calls. Eventually He got back to me and told me that he had a family problem and wasn't getting back to Akron that night. Yay!! After much convincing and playing the "I have a 6 page paper due Monday that I haven't started yet and can't do at home" card I managed to get my dad to drive me back to my apartment. As it turns out this worked to my advantage because my mom and sister were on their way back from Athens, Ohio visiting OU to take a tour and have an interview.

We met up at my apartment and then decided to go out for some thai food. This is said advantage because my fridge is empty and I have no cash. Yay free food!! After dinner I came back to my apartment and procrastinated until 5 a.m. watching 'A Knight's Tale' and 'U.S. Marshals'. Both of which are very good movies, in my opinion.

I woke up Sunday afternoon and began to start my paper. After about 3 hours I managed to complete 2 paragraphs. Darn t.v. and internet being so much fun! At 4 I slinkied over to my grandparents for the Super Bowl. Yes, I slinkied. I moved in a downward motion practically doing cartwheels all the way there. It was cold though so after the game I drove back. I spent 6 hours at my grandparents house watching the game, eating tastily delicious pizza and talking with them. Good times were had by all up until the last 40 seconds of the game. That is when good times stopped being had my me. I was rooting for the Cardinals and the 40 second mark is about where I lost all my happy. I made it home and got to work on my paper, distraction free. Then Matt showed up....

When he got back at midnight he turned on the t.v. and here I go again. 7 hours later my paper is done, sources have been cited and my blog has been updated. Now I am in for a long day of class followed by an even longer day of staying awake until the end of Erica's radio show since her internet is still broken that that is the only time I can have an actual conversation with her. Besides, if I went to bed right when I got back from class at 4 I would sleep until 2 a.m. and be in a bit of trouble for tomorrow.

So ends this incredibley long post. Ta ta for now!


  1. You totally just said ttfn....hahahahah. You need to sleep. Don't worry about staying up to talk to me lol.

  2. "Besides, if I went to bed right when I got back from class at 4 I would sleep until 2 a.m. and be in a bit of trouble for tomorrow."

    Gawsh! It's not ALWAYS about you.... just a lot of the time.

  3. No kidding but Tina Fey is married to our son's classmate, Jeff Richmond. Jeff was extremly talented in music and theater. Just yesterday they did an article on Jeff and Tina how they met and married.

    Your blog is typical of the average college student. Staying up late and sleeping in late.

    You blessed my heart when you said you spent time at your grandparents. I know you made their day special.

    Glad you got your paper done.
