Monday, February 9, 2009

Because I Can

Yay weekends! Saturday I procrastinated a lot. It was fun at the time, but I would later grow to regret this decision. I spent the entire day watching movies and playing games when I should have been working on some papers due today. I did a little work on them, but nowhere near enough to make it count. Yesterday was fun. Around 2:30, I think, Erica stopped by before she went back to school. We went to Chipotle for food and then came back to my apartment to surf the interwebs and watch the Cavs game. The Cavs lost. Way to go Erica.

It was a good day. I needed a day like that. Spending time with someone not Matt (no offense Matt) was nice. I had been very burned out over the last week and getting out and having fun was much needed. I feel good. Then last night happened. Last night I tried to work on my papers/speech that were due today but wasn't doing it fast enough. I decided I would just pull an all nighter, get it done, turn it all in then come home and sleep. Well, at 4 a.m. I fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake up until 1:30, thus missing my classes. Bad. Very bad. Fail even. I have a test tomorrow so now I have to study for that as well as work on these papers. At least I have more time to do it all.

I have decided that Demitri Martin is a mad mad mad mad mad mad genius. That being said I'm going to end my blogs with some of his jokes for the forseeable future until I stop.

Because I can:

“About a month ago I got a cactus. A week later, it died. I was really depressed because I was like ‘Damn! I am less nurturing than a desert.’ (Ladies, that’s not true)”


  1. Jared, I can relate to putting off things that need to be done. I feel like crap realizing I'll never get that time back again. Now on the other hand when I get things done ahead of time it's a great feeling. If you figure out why we tend to go for the crappy feeling let me know. From this day forward I'm going to try real hard to pursue the great feeling.

  2. No more all-nighters! This is a rule! Get your work done, boy!
