Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So Little Time

I'm surprised with myself. The last three days have been, in my opinion, the most productive three days in the last year for me. I managed to tech myself enough of a class to do somewhat decently on a test (I think I may have gotten at least a C), I wrote and gave a speech that I got an 89% on, I've made all my classes in the past week and a half, I've been getting more sleep, having more fun, and generally just been doing a lot better. I feel better too. I've been a little depressed or something the past month or so, but I really am feeling a lot better and think that it's all passing. I think a big part of it has been coming to terms with a few things, understanding that it is what it is and that things, and people, don't change. Once I realized all that I was able to move on with all of this fun stuff my profs have assigned me.

I'm not totally out of the woods yet, though. I still have a take home test to do for my Ethics class that's due tomorrow and a paper for said Ethics class due online by Saturday. I also have to see my English prof about the first paper we did because I got the days wrong. I sat outside his office for 40 minutes yesterday because I thought that's when I was supposed to meet with him. That is until I walked in the same time as someone else and was informed that I was supposed to meet with him on Wednesday and not today, which at the time was Monday. Today is Tuesday. Things are finally coming together and I'm doing great! I'm even starting to follow my own advice and get things organized as best I can. It helps that, because of conferences, my English class was canceled all week and my Childhood Development class was canceled for tomorrow so the rest of my week goes something like W/F class from 1:00-3:00 and Th class from 1:45-3:00 with my conference tomorrow at 3:40. Then comes the weekend.

Friday Matt and I are most likely heading to The Boneyard with Mary and Bryan. Gotta get our drink on! Spazmatics are also playing there. They're this 80's tribute band that gets all dressed up and has a lot of fun. They're pretty good, I like them a lot, especially while consuming beverages of the alcoholic variety.

Because I Can:

“The easiest time to add insult to injury is when you’re signing somebody’s cast. 'Get well soon... Jerk.'”