Monday, March 2, 2009

Last Weekend

Last weekend was pretty fun, let's see if I can remember it though.

Ok, so Friday I went home around 8 and was hanging with ma and pa and lil sis for about an hour and a half and then I went to The Boneyard. Matt was supposed to come too, but he had some paper he forgot about and had to work on that. I got to the Boneyard around 9:30 and met up with Bryan and Mary in the restaurant for some wings. I was about halfway done with my wings when Bryans friends Katie and Mikey showed up with Katies boyfriend whom I will call Ben. I don't remember if that's actually his name because he didn't say a single word to anyone all night and then left early because of something Mikey said, but I'll get into that later. So now all these people are here and I have to hurry up and eat so we can go drink. Then Mary's friend Lindsey showed up.. Gah I'm so rushed!

I finished eating and so we all went down to the bar to get some drinks and dance to the Spazmatics. We were dancing and listening for about 40 minutes until they took their break and then we left the bar and went to the game room and the bathroom. While in the bathroom, a drunk Mikey started talking about how he and Katie had been all over eachother and were talking about maybe getting together later. After he said all this to me and Bryan he noticed Ben standing right in front of him... Ben wasn't happy... He left the bathroom, got Katie and they both left before the rest of us got out. A little upset, Mikey started walking around the game room hitting on everyone he saw, except for the girls that weren't there with a guy. Basically he was just walking around hitting on girls in front of their boyfriends. It was almost very bad for him... almost. Eventually we got control of him and we all went home. Bryan drove Mikey home and Mary followed them to take Bryan back home after. When I left I went to Matt's and we played some Halo. After about 45 minutes of Halo we went upstairs and watch 300 on bluray... O.O Amazing! I made it home around 4 and finally got to bed around 5.

Saturday was pretty boring for the most part. I just sat at home all day surfing the web not really doing anything. Then, around 6, I remembered that I had a paper due online by midnight for my ethics class. It was pretty easy though, I just had to find an article about something relating to morals or ethics and then report on it and give my opinion on the matter. I found an article on assisted suicide and figured that as far as morals and ethics go it doesn't get any better than that. It took me about 3 hours to do total, 40 minutes of which was actually spent working. After I finished the paper and turned it in I went back to Matt's and we played a few games of Halo with his younger brother, Dan, and then went up to his room for some Heroes on bluray because he only buys things on bluray now. After 4 episodes of bluray I went home and got to sleep around 3.

Sunday I went shopping with my dad, which I'm apparently not allowed to do anymore... I managed to get him to buy me a bag of Twix, a bag of Snickers, Oreos, M&M cookies, 2 bottles of juice, some gum and a big can of cashews... Mommy was not pleased that I got him to get me all that stuff. After all that I went back home for a bit and then eventually came back to my apartment back here in good 'ole Akron. Now I have some homework to do for tomorrow and then more for Wednesday and a speech to research and write that I have to give Friday. On top of that I have to help a friend revise his paper to get a better grade on it in English. Busy week!

Because I Can:

“Some jokes are short and elegant, like a mathematical proof or a midget in a ballgown.”


  1. Glad you had a nice weekend but it's hard for Grandma to comment on it. Ma and Pa sound like pretty special people. :)

  2. Special......yeah....that's one way to put it....


  3. what's that supposed to mean? You don't like my Ma and Pa? :(
