Friday, March 6, 2009


So this is going to be a fun and busy weekend, but first... yay! I got a few assignments back today and was pleasantly surprised at how I did. First, I gave a speech on subliminal messages in one class and got a 96% on it. It was actually pretty fun. I was nervous at first because I was reading off the note cards, but as I got into it I moved away from the cards and just kind of went with it. People seemed to be pretty interested in it so that's pretty exciting. The professor really enjoyed it too. In fact, I actually had kids come up to me after the class and tell me I did a real good job on it. I was like, "whoa thanks." It feels good to be complimented so I will return the favor. All you that read my blog, you're all beautiful. Except Matt, you're a bit cocky; but I live with you so let's say that you're kind hearted too. Next up was my take-home Ethics test I turned in last week. Everyone in the class was getting really scared as the professor stood in front of the class saying, "Ok, you didn't do as well as you may think you did. I don't give you a B for trying, so if you deserve a D then you get a D. But don't worry, it's only worth 25% of your grade. Overall the class did decently. You should be happy if you get a C because that's passing." The entire thing is out of 60 points and when he handed mine back I saw a 13 on my grade sheet. My heart just about fell into my stomach... until I realized that my professor just doesn't know how to close a B so it looked like a 13 instead. YAY me!! Life is good.

This weekend should be fun, too. Tonight I should be seeing Watchmen with Matt and my friend Jimmy, just back from the Navy, and possibley my friend Zach if he gets off work. Hopefully we'll hang out a bit afterwards so that our friend Carmen can meet up with us for a bit. I've heard nothing short of amazing reviews from friends so I am absolutely stoked to be seeing it tonight. I don't remember the last time I was this excited. Hopefully Erica will have enough time to watch Wayne's World with me, that would make the weekend that much better. I only have one thing to do for school that shouldn't take me too long so I look forward to the weekend.

I'm just about out of Demetri Martin quotes so I'll be switching over to someone else soon, probably Mitch Hedberg. In fact, I think I'll start today.

Because I Can:

"An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

1 comment:

  1. I had to LOL when I read your grade to be thirteen but really was a B. I'm happy for you. Keep up the good work.
    Sounds like a fun weekend. ENJOY!
