Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's-a Me! Mario!

Yesterday was a pleasant day. More pleasant than I would have expected actually. I got a call from my friend Zach asking me to swing by for breakfast. By the time I got there it was closer to lunch, nothing wrong with that though, so he made some eggs and pancakes and we ate and talked for about 30 minutes. After we finished eating, we listened to some music on his computer and watched some videos. Most notably of the music were some mash-ups of different songs. Mash-ups are basically songs that are two or more songs combined, one that we listened to was 6 songs mashed together. There are a lot out there and this one is probably one of my favorites. We also watched a Penn and Teller video of one of their shows which was a pretty interesting look on drugs.

Around 4 Zach's mom called him and asked if I could drive him to get his little brother from school at 5 so I figured why not and we played some N64 for an hour. Around 5 we went to the school to get his brother, but he wasn't there, so we went to the library because I guess he'll walk there sometimes, but he wasn't there. After 15 minutes looking we went to get our friend Jimmy and then come back to look for Zach's brother again. So we got Jimmy and came back to the library, still not there. At this point we were like ok, maybe he's still at the school so we went back to the school and waited there for around 20 minutes until Zach's mom decided that we should just come back and let him walk home. When we got back to Zach's house we played Mario Party for about two hours and then watched this show called Lie To Me. It's a pretty good show, never seen it before last night. It's about this firm that investigates crimes and just about anything else they're hired to investigate because they're trained to be able to tell if someone is lying or guilty or embarrassed or anything based on body actions, like biting your lip or swallowing a lot. After the show I went home and got some food and felt pretty good about my day.

Becasue I Can:

"I once saw a forklift lift a crate of forks. And it was way to literal for me."

1 comment:

  1. This was the first time I've heard of Mashed together songs. Very interesting.
    I've seen the show Lie To Me and I agree it's a pretty good show. It's not at all what I expected it to be.
