Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Post of the Century!

I got my test back from my Childhood Development class. This is the test that I had to pull an all nighter to study for. Also, when I say "study" I mean I essentially had to read the first 5 chapters and teach myself all but a few things from scratch in about 7 hours. Normally that doesn't sound too hard, but you add in the 'tired' factor and it's much more difficult. Anyway, so I got this test back and was pleasantly surprised to see that I had managed a "C" on the it; though I probably could have gotten a "B" if I didn't rush through it so fast. There were a few questions that I looked at, after the fact, and realized what mistakes I had made, but oh well, I passed; and I learned an important lesson. To go to the class, take notes and pay attention.

Oh wow, I forgot I was writing this for about four hours. Let's see... I've also been doing pretty well in my other classes. I have an interesting week coming up though. I have to write a speech on subliminal messages that I have to give in 12 hours, I have to do an observation on children's toys, I have to come up with a mathematical idea for a paper and I have to do some other slightly less important things like buying food. Shouldn't be too bad though, the only thing due before the weekend is the speech, after that I'm set pretty good with the weekend to work with. I do have a test to study for too, though, so I suppose I should do that too.

Lately Matt and I have gotten back into playing Magic the Gathering. It's a fairly complicated game that is never really fully understood. The rules are often defined differently depending on who's playing at the time; and people will obviously also try to redefine the rules depending on the situation in order to help themselves out the most. It is fun though. Once you get into it it can become pretty addicting. That also goes to explain why it's 10 to 1 in the a.m. and I am just now starting my speech. It can also be fairly costly with buying new cards. I'm trying to avoid buying new cards though, I don't have a whole lot of money.

I'm also excited for the weekend. I have a few friends coming back for the weekend and spring break so I'll get to see them. I also have a friend that just go back from Japan after being in the Navy so I'll get to see him too. I should be seeing Watchmen either Friday or Saturday, so I'm excited about that. I would like to see Wayne's World at some point, but that will depend on other people. It won't be all good though. This morning my dad got rear ended while driving my younger sister to school. They were stopped at a red light and got slammed. They both had some whiplash, my sister worse than my dad though. She got placed on a board and taken to the emergency room in an ambulance. She's fine though, she was x-rayed and there's no serious damage. My dad ended up going to work anyway because he had a meeting but my sister just went back home after. My dad is especially ticked off, too, because it's a brand new car. He got it last Saturday. We should have seen it coming though. To date, this is what has happened to his last four cars, this one included: first - deer on highway (owned for 4 days), second - deer on streets (owned for 6 days), third - hit at a gas station (owned for 2 months), fourth - rear ended at a stop light (owned for 5 days). Good thing he leases...

Because I Can:

“I love women, but I feel like you can’t trust some of them. Some of them are liars, you know? Like I was in the park and I met this girl, she was cute and she had a dog. And I went up to her, we started talking. She told me her dog’s name. Then Í said, “Does he bite?”. She said “No.” And I said, “Oh yeah? Then how does he eat? … Liar.”"


  1. You seem like you have it all together. About your "C". When I took some college courses I was thrilled to see a "C". I even worked my way up to a "B". There was a long period between high school and college.
    Sorry to hear about your Dad and sister but glad it wasn't any worse then it was. Dad might consider buying used cars. OUCH!

  2. Wayne's World! Wayne's World! Party time! Excellent! WEEOOOWEEOOOWEEEOO.

    Although I guess if you haven't seen it this wouldn't make sense.

  3. Well that much makes sense to just about everyone.
