Friday, March 27, 2009

Wow, It's Been A While

I didn't realize that it had been so long. I guess I just got all excited about school! Sorry, not nice of me to lie like that. This week has been decent. I missed a few classes because I forgot to set my alarm, but besides that it's been good. This week went by real fast too. Monday is going to be rough though. I have two tests on Monday, one in English and another in my Ethics class. Tomorrow I have a few friends in my Ethics class stopping by to study with me over some pizza. Besides that I don't have many plans for the weekend. Because this post was so short I hope these pictures of things that are cool make up for it.

Because I Can:

"I recently took up ice sculpting. Last night I made an ice cube. This morning I made 12, I was prolific. "

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's-a Me! Mario!

Yesterday was a pleasant day. More pleasant than I would have expected actually. I got a call from my friend Zach asking me to swing by for breakfast. By the time I got there it was closer to lunch, nothing wrong with that though, so he made some eggs and pancakes and we ate and talked for about 30 minutes. After we finished eating, we listened to some music on his computer and watched some videos. Most notably of the music were some mash-ups of different songs. Mash-ups are basically songs that are two or more songs combined, one that we listened to was 6 songs mashed together. There are a lot out there and this one is probably one of my favorites. We also watched a Penn and Teller video of one of their shows which was a pretty interesting look on drugs.

Around 4 Zach's mom called him and asked if I could drive him to get his little brother from school at 5 so I figured why not and we played some N64 for an hour. Around 5 we went to the school to get his brother, but he wasn't there, so we went to the library because I guess he'll walk there sometimes, but he wasn't there. After 15 minutes looking we went to get our friend Jimmy and then come back to look for Zach's brother again. So we got Jimmy and came back to the library, still not there. At this point we were like ok, maybe he's still at the school so we went back to the school and waited there for around 20 minutes until Zach's mom decided that we should just come back and let him walk home. When we got back to Zach's house we played Mario Party for about two hours and then watched this show called Lie To Me. It's a pretty good show, never seen it before last night. It's about this firm that investigates crimes and just about anything else they're hired to investigate because they're trained to be able to tell if someone is lying or guilty or embarrassed or anything based on body actions, like biting your lip or swallowing a lot. After the show I went home and got some food and felt pretty good about my day.

Becasue I Can:

"I once saw a forklift lift a crate of forks. And it was way to literal for me."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Surprise Fun

Today, after complaining to my friend Ryan about how bored I was at home, I went to my friend James' house to hang out with him. I never really thought about it before, but he's probably one of my best friends. We have a good time when we hang out and we talk about a lot of stuff. Not just like video games and school or whatever, but we also talk about relationships, music, life, armed forces, family etc. and it's a lot of fun. He's pretty awesome and rad. Anyway, at his house I helped him finish up some house cleaning while his dad was at work because I'm cool like that, /flex, and then helped him finish filling out an application for Cleveland State University for next year.

After we were done with all that he got the green light from his dad to hang out for a bit so we gave our friend Zach a call and headed over to his house for about 20 minutes. Would have been longer but his mom gave us the idea to go see a movie, so we did that. The movie we saw was Ms. March. It's about this guy named Eugene. Eugene is dating Cindi and they both decide to wait until marriage to "profess their love". On prom night, Cindi convinces Eugene to "profess his love" to her since they love each other and know they will get married after school. While celebrating with his friend before heading upstairs to be with Cindi, Eugene falls down some stairs and hits his head, winding up in a coma for 4 years. When he finally wakes up he decides to go find Cindi, who is now a Playboy model and also Ms. March. The movie itself was pretty bad, but it was extremely funny. It's a bit dirty and raunchy at times, but the humor was worth the $5 ticket.

After the movie the three of us went back to Zach's house and talked for about 20 minutes about stuff. Nothing specific really, just friends, family, school and general stuff. We then hopped onto the N64 and played Mario Kart for about an hour n hef! All in all, it was more fun than I actually expected to have considering how few people I can actually do something with right now.

Because I Can:

"My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but I want a regular banana later, so... yeah.'"

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Break

Well today is Saturday and the official first day of spring break. Last night my friend Bryan and I went to Matt's house and we hung out and spent the night. This morning, well afternoon really, I went and got my hair cut so I don't look like Sasquatch anymore. The rest of the day was spent sitting in my room. Tomorrow I'll probably also sit in my room. Come to think of it, I'll probably spend every day until Friday sitting in my room. Friday I may or may not hang out with Matt depending on how tired he is when he gets back from Florida. Saturday I'll probably head back to Akron and sit around there. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to going back to class. I think this is shaping up to be my most boring spring break ever.

Because I Can:

"My belt holds my pants up, but the belt loops hold my belt up. I don't really know what's happening down there. Who is the real hero? "

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Party Time!

Wayne's World! Wayne's World! Party time! Excellent! I saw Wayne's World for the first time over the weekend and it was pretty much awesome. It was incredibly funny and Dana Carvey was great. I honestly don't know how I managed to go so long without having seen it. Thanks Erica :). I also got to hear Erica play some guitar and sing. For those that have yet to hear her, get to it. She sounds real good in recordings and even better in person. I can't wait to hear her again.

Carmen Stopped by as well. He came down friday and spent the night. We watched some TV and played some cards and generally just hung out for the night. It was good to see him again. I'm glad he's doing well. He's on spring break now so I'm sure I'll get to see him again later. Speaking of, I have my spring break next week. While I'm not going fun places, like Naples, Florida, I'm still pumped to have a week off school where I can sleep in and just relax. After break it's back to the books for the long haul. Other than that, I got nothing new going on.

Because I Can:

"When someone hands you a flyer, it's like they're saying here you throw this away."

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I saw Watchmen last night. It was amazingly good. Now, I haven't read the graphic novel so I wasn't completely filled in, but I thought it was pretty easy to figure out. My friends James and Mary didn't think so though. Afterward, they seemed pretty confused as to what had happened. Overall, I thought the acting was great by all parts, the special effects were off the chart and it was just very well put together. The only problem I had with it had to do with a certain part of Dr. Manhattan's "costume". I'll just leave it at that. Not that there's anything wrong with it though...

After the movie, James and I sat around in the parking lot for a bit just catching up. He's been home for about a month, but it's the first chance I've had to see him in the past year and a half since the last time he was home. What started with me just driving next to him and talking to him through the window ended up with he and I parked behind the theatre standing around and talking for 3 1/2 hours. We didn't really plan on it like that, but it was fun. We did a lot of talking and catching up.

I didn't get to sleep until around 4:30 and slept until around 3, but I got interrupted quite a few times. Matt called me once, I got a few texts from James and I had a guy call me twice looking for someone named Bob. I'm back in Akron now and just waiting for something to do. Matt should be back at some point and Carmen is coming in about an hour. Guess I should get some homework done while I can.

Because I Can:

"I had a stick of CareFree gum, but it didn't work. I felt pretty good while I was blowing that bubble, but as soon as the gum lost its flavor, I was back to pondering my mortality. "

Friday, March 6, 2009


So this is going to be a fun and busy weekend, but first... yay! I got a few assignments back today and was pleasantly surprised at how I did. First, I gave a speech on subliminal messages in one class and got a 96% on it. It was actually pretty fun. I was nervous at first because I was reading off the note cards, but as I got into it I moved away from the cards and just kind of went with it. People seemed to be pretty interested in it so that's pretty exciting. The professor really enjoyed it too. In fact, I actually had kids come up to me after the class and tell me I did a real good job on it. I was like, "whoa thanks." It feels good to be complimented so I will return the favor. All you that read my blog, you're all beautiful. Except Matt, you're a bit cocky; but I live with you so let's say that you're kind hearted too. Next up was my take-home Ethics test I turned in last week. Everyone in the class was getting really scared as the professor stood in front of the class saying, "Ok, you didn't do as well as you may think you did. I don't give you a B for trying, so if you deserve a D then you get a D. But don't worry, it's only worth 25% of your grade. Overall the class did decently. You should be happy if you get a C because that's passing." The entire thing is out of 60 points and when he handed mine back I saw a 13 on my grade sheet. My heart just about fell into my stomach... until I realized that my professor just doesn't know how to close a B so it looked like a 13 instead. YAY me!! Life is good.

This weekend should be fun, too. Tonight I should be seeing Watchmen with Matt and my friend Jimmy, just back from the Navy, and possibley my friend Zach if he gets off work. Hopefully we'll hang out a bit afterwards so that our friend Carmen can meet up with us for a bit. I've heard nothing short of amazing reviews from friends so I am absolutely stoked to be seeing it tonight. I don't remember the last time I was this excited. Hopefully Erica will have enough time to watch Wayne's World with me, that would make the weekend that much better. I only have one thing to do for school that shouldn't take me too long so I look forward to the weekend.

I'm just about out of Demetri Martin quotes so I'll be switching over to someone else soon, probably Mitch Hedberg. In fact, I think I'll start today.

Because I Can:

"An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Post of the Century!

I got my test back from my Childhood Development class. This is the test that I had to pull an all nighter to study for. Also, when I say "study" I mean I essentially had to read the first 5 chapters and teach myself all but a few things from scratch in about 7 hours. Normally that doesn't sound too hard, but you add in the 'tired' factor and it's much more difficult. Anyway, so I got this test back and was pleasantly surprised to see that I had managed a "C" on the it; though I probably could have gotten a "B" if I didn't rush through it so fast. There were a few questions that I looked at, after the fact, and realized what mistakes I had made, but oh well, I passed; and I learned an important lesson. To go to the class, take notes and pay attention.

Oh wow, I forgot I was writing this for about four hours. Let's see... I've also been doing pretty well in my other classes. I have an interesting week coming up though. I have to write a speech on subliminal messages that I have to give in 12 hours, I have to do an observation on children's toys, I have to come up with a mathematical idea for a paper and I have to do some other slightly less important things like buying food. Shouldn't be too bad though, the only thing due before the weekend is the speech, after that I'm set pretty good with the weekend to work with. I do have a test to study for too, though, so I suppose I should do that too.

Lately Matt and I have gotten back into playing Magic the Gathering. It's a fairly complicated game that is never really fully understood. The rules are often defined differently depending on who's playing at the time; and people will obviously also try to redefine the rules depending on the situation in order to help themselves out the most. It is fun though. Once you get into it it can become pretty addicting. That also goes to explain why it's 10 to 1 in the a.m. and I am just now starting my speech. It can also be fairly costly with buying new cards. I'm trying to avoid buying new cards though, I don't have a whole lot of money.

I'm also excited for the weekend. I have a few friends coming back for the weekend and spring break so I'll get to see them. I also have a friend that just go back from Japan after being in the Navy so I'll get to see him too. I should be seeing Watchmen either Friday or Saturday, so I'm excited about that. I would like to see Wayne's World at some point, but that will depend on other people. It won't be all good though. This morning my dad got rear ended while driving my younger sister to school. They were stopped at a red light and got slammed. They both had some whiplash, my sister worse than my dad though. She got placed on a board and taken to the emergency room in an ambulance. She's fine though, she was x-rayed and there's no serious damage. My dad ended up going to work anyway because he had a meeting but my sister just went back home after. My dad is especially ticked off, too, because it's a brand new car. He got it last Saturday. We should have seen it coming though. To date, this is what has happened to his last four cars, this one included: first - deer on highway (owned for 4 days), second - deer on streets (owned for 6 days), third - hit at a gas station (owned for 2 months), fourth - rear ended at a stop light (owned for 5 days). Good thing he leases...

Because I Can:

“I love women, but I feel like you can’t trust some of them. Some of them are liars, you know? Like I was in the park and I met this girl, she was cute and she had a dog. And I went up to her, we started talking. She told me her dog’s name. Then Í said, “Does he bite?”. She said “No.” And I said, “Oh yeah? Then how does he eat? … Liar.”"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Last Weekend

Last weekend was pretty fun, let's see if I can remember it though.

Ok, so Friday I went home around 8 and was hanging with ma and pa and lil sis for about an hour and a half and then I went to The Boneyard. Matt was supposed to come too, but he had some paper he forgot about and had to work on that. I got to the Boneyard around 9:30 and met up with Bryan and Mary in the restaurant for some wings. I was about halfway done with my wings when Bryans friends Katie and Mikey showed up with Katies boyfriend whom I will call Ben. I don't remember if that's actually his name because he didn't say a single word to anyone all night and then left early because of something Mikey said, but I'll get into that later. So now all these people are here and I have to hurry up and eat so we can go drink. Then Mary's friend Lindsey showed up.. Gah I'm so rushed!

I finished eating and so we all went down to the bar to get some drinks and dance to the Spazmatics. We were dancing and listening for about 40 minutes until they took their break and then we left the bar and went to the game room and the bathroom. While in the bathroom, a drunk Mikey started talking about how he and Katie had been all over eachother and were talking about maybe getting together later. After he said all this to me and Bryan he noticed Ben standing right in front of him... Ben wasn't happy... He left the bathroom, got Katie and they both left before the rest of us got out. A little upset, Mikey started walking around the game room hitting on everyone he saw, except for the girls that weren't there with a guy. Basically he was just walking around hitting on girls in front of their boyfriends. It was almost very bad for him... almost. Eventually we got control of him and we all went home. Bryan drove Mikey home and Mary followed them to take Bryan back home after. When I left I went to Matt's and we played some Halo. After about 45 minutes of Halo we went upstairs and watch 300 on bluray... O.O Amazing! I made it home around 4 and finally got to bed around 5.

Saturday was pretty boring for the most part. I just sat at home all day surfing the web not really doing anything. Then, around 6, I remembered that I had a paper due online by midnight for my ethics class. It was pretty easy though, I just had to find an article about something relating to morals or ethics and then report on it and give my opinion on the matter. I found an article on assisted suicide and figured that as far as morals and ethics go it doesn't get any better than that. It took me about 3 hours to do total, 40 minutes of which was actually spent working. After I finished the paper and turned it in I went back to Matt's and we played a few games of Halo with his younger brother, Dan, and then went up to his room for some Heroes on bluray because he only buys things on bluray now. After 4 episodes of bluray I went home and got to sleep around 3.

Sunday I went shopping with my dad, which I'm apparently not allowed to do anymore... I managed to get him to buy me a bag of Twix, a bag of Snickers, Oreos, M&M cookies, 2 bottles of juice, some gum and a big can of cashews... Mommy was not pleased that I got him to get me all that stuff. After all that I went back home for a bit and then eventually came back to my apartment back here in good 'ole Akron. Now I have some homework to do for tomorrow and then more for Wednesday and a speech to research and write that I have to give Friday. On top of that I have to help a friend revise his paper to get a better grade on it in English. Busy week!

Because I Can:

“Some jokes are short and elegant, like a mathematical proof or a midget in a ballgown.”