Thursday, January 22, 2009

I've Been Burned!!

Last night while watching Burn Notice I got this crazy idea. My idea was to get up real early, as in 7:45, so that I could just stay home all day and watch the Burn Notice marathon on USA in preparation for tonight's new episode. Then another episode came on, and another and another... Oh god, they just wouldn't stop. So here I am pulling second straight all nighter, except this time to watch Burn Notice and not do homework. Thankfully for me though around 5:30 USA Network, and only USA, went out and I managed to get 6 hours of sleep.

Around 11 I began my marathon again and in conjunction with watching a spy show I decided to play Civilization, too. It was pretty gnarly. I managed to completely destroy Egypt and Zululand which was fun. I'm working on Babylon now, but they seem more difficult. This is my problem I think. When I first got this laptop it was so that I could do my homework and do schoolwork without distraction, but what ended up happening was I just put all the distracting things right onto it and so now I never get anything done. I think I need to borrow Erica's virus, that would probably work out to my advantage. Also, I have a question for you Erica. Does the Burn Notice marathon count as either training for or running in a marathon? I think a better question is does watching any t.v. marathon count as training for or running in a marathon? If so, I am in tip top shape. /flex

Awe, I just remembered all the work I didn't do the last 2 days that I now have to do all for tomorrow. Two chapters to read for my Ethics class, my M.E.T. II homework... actually, I think that's it. I suppose that's not as bad as I thought. Guess I should get to work, huh?

Also, I kind of like how I ended my first post so I think I'm going to stick with it, it has a nice ring to it. So....

I suppose that's the end of this post. Hope it wasn't too mundane for you.


  1. You cooked?!?!?!? I'm proud. Also, watching a Burn Notice marathon does not count as training for one!

  2. Burn notice marathons are very informative as well, i was reminded nearly a hundred times that it was important to RePhresh after every time i douche.
