Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cable Go BOOM!

Today was my perfect Sunday. I didn't wake up until after noon and then pretty much lounged around most of the day. All was going well until Erica IM'd me. I guess my internet was so shocked that she was online because less than a minute after receiving her IM, the cable internet and t.v. both went bye bye. At first I figured it was just some issue with one of the lines, like maybe one got too bent or something. I tried to fix it by unscrewing all the cables then putting them back it, but that failed hardcore. Next thing I did was try to simply unplug the power for a few minutes to see if that would fix it, but again, nothing! I was pretty heartbroken to say the least. My awesome Sunday was now just some other day :(

With nothing else to do I took it as a sign that I should do the last 3 days of homework from classes I've missed. That actually worked too because I really don't have anything left to do tonight besides go to sleep and wake up at 7:45 tomorrow. That won't be fun though because I'm not a fan of waking up before 10.

After I got my internet and cable back, over 2 1/2 hours after it went out, I went for some chipotle, got comfortable watching X-Men 3 and then just lounged around. I suppose the day started and ended good so I can call it a good day.

I suppose that's the end of this post. Hope it wasn't too mundane for you.

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