Monday, January 26, 2009

Chicago Police

Chicago cops are going beyond the call of duty, really. A few days ago a 14 year old boy walked into a Chicago P.D. and asked to be put on assignment. The chief looked at him and decided his services could be best used out of a squad car. For five hours this 14 year old rode shotgun with another officer going on patrol and responding to calls. I wasn't until after his "shift" was over that some officers finally noticed that he wasn't an actual police officer. Some officer realized that not only did this kid not have a fire arm, but that his uniform was not a real Chicago police uniform. I applaud Chicago police for being breached by a 14 year old boy with a fake uniform and no gun. That takes skill, true skill.

That's really all I have for today. Nothing fun and exciting going on here.


  1. hahaha they're all like *facedesk*

  2. That is so unbelievable. I bet there were some heads on the chopping block.
