Saturday, January 31, 2009

Beer! The cause of, and solution to, all of lifes problems!

Today was a rough day for me. Last night at 2 a.m. Matt and I went to dig my car out of the enormous amounts of snow so that when I went to class today I would be able to, well, get to class today. When we got back into the apartment at around 2:45 Matt looked at me and said, "Oh crap, I forgot to do my blindfold experience." The experience of which he speaks is a project he had to do for a class. He had to spend 2 hours blind folded and then record his feelings and reactions to be 'blind' for the allotted time. It was recommended that he have someone around just in case something happened to him while he was blind folded so i said sure, why not.

After 10 minutes of being blind folded Matt put on some headphones and began listening to music, he then went to lay down on the couch to relax a bit. Periodically I said something like "Hey Matt, how's it going?" just to make sure he was still with me and for the most part it seemed that I was getting a response. Well the responses that I got seem to have been completely coincidental. At 4:30 a.m. I started shaking the pillow he was laying on and it wasn't until I started shaking extremely hard that he actually woke up. I asked him how much of the time he was actually awake and his response was, "Most of it." He then rolled back over and went to sleep. Since I didn't actually get to bed until close to 5 a.m. I was a little confused as to whether I had done some things or not, such as set the alarm, and just went to sleep.

I woke up at 2 in the afternoon, just in time to miss my final class of the day. After that I just sat around the apartment for a few hours before Matt decided that he was going to come back to Solon to meet up with a couple of our friends and go to The Boneyard. I have had a very rough week and decided that since he was going back to Akron Saturday evening I would go back to Solon too in order to get some liquid pleasure with some friends. We played some games, played some pool, had some wings and did some drinking. I am a little bit happier now.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Hate Snow.....

Last night Matt and I got hungry so we decided to go get some food. When we got outside we noticed the cars looked a little something like this.

We were determined, though, to get the heck out of Dodge so we spent the next hour digging Matt's car out with our hands and feet. It wouldn't have been so bad if the snow was just powdered and soft, but when stupid snow plow drivers push all the snow from the parking lot in front of your car and pack it in there, it makes things a bit more difficult. After we finally got his car dug out we went to a diner for some food. At the diner was a table of 8 gay guys that, I swear, wouldn't stop checking me out; though it's possible they were looking at Matt too. As flattered as I was, that's not quite my thing.

When we got back to the apartment at 3 a.m. I got to work on doing some homework I forgot about on the off chance that I actually managed to wake up 2 hours before I had to leave to have time to shovel my car out and get to class at 1:45. At 5 a.m. I noticed that I was doing the homework from the previous week and was just about done with it. I tried to get to work on the homework from this week, but my brain was way past gone. I could barely remember how to turn off my laptop. I tried for the next 2 hours to do the work, but I just couldn't comprehend it, so at 7 a.m. I went to sleep. When I woke up at 1:30 I put on some shoes and took some pictures of my car, which I texted to a classmate and e-mailed to my prof. to let her know why I wouldn't be able to make it to class. I haven't gotten a response from her so I hope I'm not too screwed from having missed 2 classes already. We'll see.

I look forward to tomorrow. Making it to the weekend will be a nice way to deal with the snow. I won't have to go anywhere so that will be nice. However, I will have to dig myself out of this....

Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!!1!!!1!

So after having been to pretty much 1 class since last Wednesday I was actually really looking forward to getting to class today. So much so that I went to bed at 12:30 which was the first time in about a month I had gone to sleep before 2. When I woke up to my alarm at 7:30 I checked my cell phone for missed calls and text messages which has become a habit in the past few weeks since certain people like to text me early early! I see I have a text and actually get excited because now that I'm awake on my own I was all like, 'Ooh maybe it's Erica and I can be all like look at me I'm awake and it's morning!' Turns out though that the text was from school, which is equally as exciting. The text pretty much said all UA campuses are closed today due to weather and the university will do their best to get everything all clear for class tomorrow. I went into Matt's room to let him know he could turn off his alarm and just sleep then went back to bed for about 5 hours.

After I woke up I just sat in front of the t.v. for a couple hours before I finally got in the mood to make some breakfast. I made myself an egg and cheese bagel with Mozzarella cheese and some buttered toast and I made Matt some scrambled eggs since he was there. It was all very delicious, but now I'm not quite sure what to do with the rest of my day. I guess I could do some homework I have due tomorrow. I would go do some food shopping but I'm hesitant to go out driving today with more weather on the way in. That and I don't want to brush the snow off my car.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that I did not have class today, whereas two readers of this blog did? Just wanted to make sure :D

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Short One Today

Dear Diary,

Today, me and my sister were kidnapped by Hill Folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Chicago Police

Chicago cops are going beyond the call of duty, really. A few days ago a 14 year old boy walked into a Chicago P.D. and asked to be put on assignment. The chief looked at him and decided his services could be best used out of a squad car. For five hours this 14 year old rode shotgun with another officer going on patrol and responding to calls. I wasn't until after his "shift" was over that some officers finally noticed that he wasn't an actual police officer. Some officer realized that not only did this kid not have a fire arm, but that his uniform was not a real Chicago police uniform. I applaud Chicago police for being breached by a 14 year old boy with a fake uniform and no gun. That takes skill, true skill.

That's really all I have for today. Nothing fun and exciting going on here.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cable Go BOOM!

Today was my perfect Sunday. I didn't wake up until after noon and then pretty much lounged around most of the day. All was going well until Erica IM'd me. I guess my internet was so shocked that she was online because less than a minute after receiving her IM, the cable internet and t.v. both went bye bye. At first I figured it was just some issue with one of the lines, like maybe one got too bent or something. I tried to fix it by unscrewing all the cables then putting them back it, but that failed hardcore. Next thing I did was try to simply unplug the power for a few minutes to see if that would fix it, but again, nothing! I was pretty heartbroken to say the least. My awesome Sunday was now just some other day :(

With nothing else to do I took it as a sign that I should do the last 3 days of homework from classes I've missed. That actually worked too because I really don't have anything left to do tonight besides go to sleep and wake up at 7:45 tomorrow. That won't be fun though because I'm not a fan of waking up before 10.

After I got my internet and cable back, over 2 1/2 hours after it went out, I went for some chipotle, got comfortable watching X-Men 3 and then just lounged around. I suppose the day started and ended good so I can call it a good day.

I suppose that's the end of this post. Hope it wasn't too mundane for you.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Good Job Matt...

Not much happened today, least of all anything exciting. My mom did stop by for about an hour though, which wasn't too bad. She attempted to give me recipes for things that I could cook by telling them to me. Despite my telling her I would not remember them she continued. Now she has to write them all down and e-mail them to me anyway. Besides recipes I had the lovely honor of explaining to my mom the drinking game Kings. It wasn't all that bad, but I then had to explain to her why there was a certain quote written on our marker board along the lines of, "Matt is done....." If you have any interest in knowing what it said, ask me for a complete story. I'm hesitant to say it here with grandma reading, so I won't. Also, way to go Matt!

Apparently it would take about 400 lbs. of TNT to kill a giant mutant shark which is good to know. Also, for any of you gun owners out there, make sure not to store any of your loaded guns in the oven and forget about them, you'll die. Have I mentioned how awesome MythBusters is? Supposedly, if one takes two phone books and puts them together a la overlapping the pages one by one by one and so on that they can hold together with nothing but friction up to about 8,ooo pounds of pressure. That means you could hang two compact cars from it and it would still hold. They couldn't get it to break until they attached it to two tanks and had them ride in opposite directions like torturing someone by pulling them apart by two horses. That's pretty cool, in my opinion.

I suppose that's the end of this post. Hope it wasn't too mundane for you.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Shout Out!

Little late on the post today, got distracted with... everything. Everything from Alltel commercials to food and even t.v. shows.

Today was an "ehh" day. I woke up at 10:15 and felt like crap, but figured it would go away. At 10:45 I actually felt worse so I just went back to sleep until 2. When I woke up I felt a little better but still had a slight headache which has since gone away. Since then I have managed to wipe out Persia and set up a nice little border between myself and the Ottomans. I am confident they will suffer the same fate as the rest before them.

I noticed something about myself today. I noticed that I could do anything I wanted if I put my mind to it. I didn't actually do anything, but I did do some thinking. I suppose that counts as doing something though. I wish life were easier though, then I wouldn't have to try so hard, but I think half the fun of completing a tough project is completing it. If something were easy, then completing it wouldn't be half as gratifying. Some things are just too hard though and I don't think I can do them without help from the people around me. I used to be such a slacker. More than I am now, and if not for people pushing me to do things like going to class, doing my homework, not keeping myself locked up in my room, then I would be so far off from where I'm at now. So to those of you that have helped me get things done, thank you.

Also, I want to give a shout out to grandma who is joining us from Erica's blog. Glad to have you aboard, please make yourself comfortable.

I suppose that's the end of this post. Hope it wasn't too mundane for you.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I've Been Burned!!

Last night while watching Burn Notice I got this crazy idea. My idea was to get up real early, as in 7:45, so that I could just stay home all day and watch the Burn Notice marathon on USA in preparation for tonight's new episode. Then another episode came on, and another and another... Oh god, they just wouldn't stop. So here I am pulling second straight all nighter, except this time to watch Burn Notice and not do homework. Thankfully for me though around 5:30 USA Network, and only USA, went out and I managed to get 6 hours of sleep.

Around 11 I began my marathon again and in conjunction with watching a spy show I decided to play Civilization, too. It was pretty gnarly. I managed to completely destroy Egypt and Zululand which was fun. I'm working on Babylon now, but they seem more difficult. This is my problem I think. When I first got this laptop it was so that I could do my homework and do schoolwork without distraction, but what ended up happening was I just put all the distracting things right onto it and so now I never get anything done. I think I need to borrow Erica's virus, that would probably work out to my advantage. Also, I have a question for you Erica. Does the Burn Notice marathon count as either training for or running in a marathon? I think a better question is does watching any t.v. marathon count as training for or running in a marathon? If so, I am in tip top shape. /flex

Awe, I just remembered all the work I didn't do the last 2 days that I now have to do all for tomorrow. Two chapters to read for my Ethics class, my M.E.T. II homework... actually, I think that's it. I suppose that's not as bad as I thought. Guess I should get to work, huh?

Also, I kind of like how I ended my first post so I think I'm going to stick with it, it has a nice ring to it. So....

I suppose that's the end of this post. Hope it wasn't too mundane for you.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

She Made Me Do It

So here I am, minding my own damn business when all of a sudden the phone rings. Is it my mom? nope. Dad? nope. Cable repair man? nope. Damn... it's Erica! So I answer the phone she starts going on about how I should blog. Now I blog.

I'm not quite sure what to write about so I guess since I'm doing this for Erica I'll start with all the silly things that she's made me do. This list includes, but is not limited to: going to sleep before 4 a.m., training for a marathon, eating food, doing my homework even, and of course writing this blog. Some of those things I can understand, like eating and sleeping, the rest I'm not so sure about. But it's Erica so I go with it and it usually works out.

Something that did not work out was buying food tonight. Normally one thinks, "Hey I'm buying food" and it all works out. Not in my case. Matt and I went to the store for what was supposed to be a quick snack pick up for, as Matt said, "Just you, me and Sara Lee." Well we got all of our incredibly unneeded groceries and continued to the check out. Of course, after the cashier checks us out and tells us that our total is going to be $155 is when Matt decides to tell me he doesn't have his wallet... go figure. We spent about 15 minutes walking around the store looking for his wallet to no avail when he finally decided to just head back to the apartment and hope it's there. Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?

I suppose that's the end of this post. Hope it wasn't too mundane for you.

Oh, as a side note: Erica, you still owe me food in the near near future and I plan on collecting!!! *raises fist*