Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Used To Like Cops

Until one pulled me over yesterday for what appeared to me to be no reason at all. I was picking up my friend Jimmy in Reminderville so we could head out to Valley View to see Fast and Furious, which was pretty good. Anyway, Jimmy gave me a call at 6:45 and told me he was getting ready to head back to his house and he would be there in 15 minutes so I got all my things together and went over to his house. I got there around 7:00 and texted him to let him know that I was there. He didn't come out or respond me so I tried calling him a few times but he didn't answer. At 5 after he got home and told be he'd be inside for a few minutes so he could get his wallet and some cash from his dad. I guess his dad wanted to have a talk with him or something because he was in there for 10 minutes, despite the fact his dad knew I was outside waiting for him.

At 7:15 he came out and got in the car and we started on our way. The speed limit on his street is 25mph and I was, admittedly, going about 35, but as I was going around a curve I saw a cop on my right and so I slowed down to 29. At the same moment I came around the curve and first saw the cop, I was close to 200 ft away from him at the time, he was pulling out of whatever spot he was in and started driving towards me going the opposite direction as I was. I was thinking I was good, nothing to worry about, and then he turned around. He came up behind me at a stop sign but didn't do anything so I thought, whatever I guess he's just turning around or something. I turned left and kept going and then the cop sped up to get behind me and turned on his lights. The following is the dialogue that took place between us.

Cop - "Hey there, I'm officer *forgot his name* of the Reminderville police department, how are you doing today?"

Me - "I'm doing pretty good, how about yourself?"

Cop - "Not bad, not bad. You in a hurry?"

Me - "Not especially, why do you ask?"

Cop - "Well I clocked you going 37 back there and the speed limit is posted as a 25mph zone."

Me - "Well I tend to pay pretty careful attention to my speed and my spedometer was telling me I was going about 30."

Cop - "Ok, well as I said, I clocked you going 37 just now and got you going 40 the other way a few minutes before that. I'm going to need to see your I.D. and proof of insurance please."

At this point I handed the requested documents to the cop and he went back to his car to run my info and Jimmy and I began to think about this. The cop was pulling out of the drive he was in before I even made it into his line of sight, he was headed in the opposite direction as me and he was going 25mph at the time that I passed him. He stopped and turned around in order to get me, said he clocked me going 35 just now and 40 going the opposite direction minutes before. On the way to Jimmy's house the cop wasn't there and I was doing 30, I waited outside Jimmy's house for 20 minutes and then did 30 going past the cop as he was doing 25 in the opposite direction, yet he claimed to clock me twice within minutes first going 40 and then going 37. In addition, instead of waiting until I passed him and then pulling out behind me, he was headed in the opposite direction and then spun around to come up behind me. Things just didn't seem to add up to me, and I don't think they did to the cop either.

Cop comes back from his car and says - "Alright well the posted speed is 25 mph."

Me - "Ok."

Cop - "That being said, I expect you to drive the posted speed from now on because you won't be gettign a warning next time."

Me - "Alright officer, thanks. I'm sorry."

Cop - "Alright now, you have a good day."

The fact that he just gave me a warning after claiming to have clocked me speeding not once, but twice; first going 15mph above the limit and then going 12 mph over the limit, and also spun around in order to come up behind me and pull me over makes me think he had me confused with someone else. Either way, I used to respect what cops did, and for the most part still do, but when they do silly things like that and waste my time and make me late for a movie for no reason it irks me a bit, I guess.

On another note, the movie wasn't bad. It was about what I expected of it. Unfortunately we got to the theater late and ended up having to sit in the 5th row from the front and look just about straight up to see the screen.

Because I Can:

"A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap."


  1. You could check when his radar was last calibrated...sometimes they get off (they're supposed to calibrate them once a month)

    And perhaps his car moving made it seem like you were going faster..?

  2. Yea, if he had actually given me a ticket I would have asked when it was last calibrated, when he was trained in the use of the gun and if any updates had been made since then. Still though, it was pretty fishy.

  3. Jared, The cops only pick on good guys because they can and do get hurt by bad guys. It sounds like you handled it just fine. It made a good read on your blog. :)
