Wednesday, April 8, 2009

School? School!

Today was a good day!

I had to give a persuasive speech in my effective oral communication class and, for lack of another topic, I gave it on why marijuana should be legalized. Now I don't smoke marijuana or do any drugs and initially went into this speech not even agreeing with it myself, but as I did research I managed to persuade myself. It really kind of makes sense to legalize marijuana because it would remove the black market demand which would remove large quantities of money from the drug cartels. If it was no longer sold illegally then crime rates on drug related charges would also drop, clearing prisons of non violent offenders and making room for more violent offenders. In addition, the government could tax it and help boost the economy by giving government contracts to farmers. I guess I did pretty well on the speech because I got an A, so yay to that!

After that class I had ethics where I got a test back that I took last Friday. Before class the prof was talking about how nobody failed, but there were only a few A's, some B's and mostly C's. I didn't get to finish the test, it was essay format, and so I was pretty nervous that I got a C or something. The prof started to hand back the tests and I was the last of my little group of friends to get the test back. First Kim got hers back and she had a C+, then Sara got hers back and she had a C+, next Teddy got his back and he also had a C+. At this point I was getting nervous that I got a C+ or worse, then I got mine back. A-..... Sara, Kim and Teddy were a little upset. I was a little happy :). Ok, I was a lot happy :D!

Now I'm waiting for my grandparents to stop by in about 45 minutes to pick me up and take me home. We're all going to my sister's house for dinner and I'm a bit tired so they asked if I would like a ride. Grandparents are awesome!

Because I Can:

"I know a lot about cars, man. I can look at any car's headlights and tell you exactly which way it's coming."

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