Friday, April 24, 2009

Procrastination Rocks

So I'm coming to the realization that I'm a lazy student. I have been awake for the past 20+ hours writing a 6 page paper on why lying is good. It was assigned over a week ago and is due today (Friday) in a few hours. Before I can turn it in though I have to finish writing a 5 minute speech on how to stop emotional/mental and physical abuse for a group speech project that is due, yup, today. I missed the last two classes, Monday I wasn't feeling well and Wednesday my car was blocked in, and so I was unaware when I would be going or what the speech was supposed to be on as my group hadn't told me yet. When I texted a kid in my group to ask him what the deal was he simply responded with, "We go tomorrow. You're the conclusion. Maria said she e-mailed you the topic. You have to say how to stop abuse. It has to be 5 minutes long." Sweet... thanks for the advanced warning people.

Today is my dad's birthday and I was planning on going home but now I'm not. A few things factored into this decision. 1) I am not going to drive the 35 minutes home after 30ish hours of being awake. 2) He's coming down here Saturday. 3) He's coming down here Sunday. 4) I have a portfolio due Monday that needs to include 2 papers, a letter and a revision statement. 5) I have 2 papers due by Friday online. 6) I think I have a take-home test due by Friday as well but since I missed the last 2 classes I don't know if it's been handed out yet.

Yea, I hate the last week of classes. On the brighter side, yay last week of classes! After this week I have 2 finals and then I'm done! Then comes the joy of a continued search for a job. Anyone hiring? :D

Because I Can:

"I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Go Cavs!

So it's the weekend and with the weekend comes the start to the NBA Playoffs. The Cavs open the first round today at 3:00 against the Detroit Pistons and are in good shape to make it to the NBA Finals this year. I will be watching the game and rooting for my Cavs all the way. Go Cavs! As long as I'm on sports, the Indians are starting to look a bit better of late. Sure they're only 3-8 on the season so far, but that's only 11 games in. The Indians have 151 games left in the season and are only 3.5 games behind the Kansas City Royals. They had a rocky start but I'm looking for them to bounce back in the coming weeks and start to play strong the rest of the year. Still too early to talk about the Browns, but I will say that I think at this point it would be beneficial for the Browns to trade Edwards for some other lower tier wide receiver and some draft picks. I'm also convinced that Mangini is going to stick with Anderson as quarterback and so the browns should trade Quinn for some more draft picks. It doesn't make sense for them to hold onto him and Anderson and Anderson has mroe upside than Quinn. Also, his name starts with a "Q"... that's kind of strange.

This weekend I wasn't planning on going home, but now I am. I was going to stay here in Akron and work on a paper (procrastinate until Sunday night and then rush to get it done in time for my Monday meeting with my prof.) and just generally relax, but my buddy Zach gave me a call and told me his car broke down and he viewed it as fate that he shouldn't go back down to the University of Miami (Ohio) to celebrate his birthday but that he should stay up here and spend time with Matt, Jimmy and myself. So now I pack up and get ready to head on home for the night and to spend some time with my oompapa (dad) as well. He's an accountant and so he finally hs some free time so I think it's a good time to spend some time with him.

Because I Can:

"I went to a doctor, all he did was suck blood from my neck. Don't go see Dr. Acula."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

School? School!

Today was a good day!

I had to give a persuasive speech in my effective oral communication class and, for lack of another topic, I gave it on why marijuana should be legalized. Now I don't smoke marijuana or do any drugs and initially went into this speech not even agreeing with it myself, but as I did research I managed to persuade myself. It really kind of makes sense to legalize marijuana because it would remove the black market demand which would remove large quantities of money from the drug cartels. If it was no longer sold illegally then crime rates on drug related charges would also drop, clearing prisons of non violent offenders and making room for more violent offenders. In addition, the government could tax it and help boost the economy by giving government contracts to farmers. I guess I did pretty well on the speech because I got an A, so yay to that!

After that class I had ethics where I got a test back that I took last Friday. Before class the prof was talking about how nobody failed, but there were only a few A's, some B's and mostly C's. I didn't get to finish the test, it was essay format, and so I was pretty nervous that I got a C or something. The prof started to hand back the tests and I was the last of my little group of friends to get the test back. First Kim got hers back and she had a C+, then Sara got hers back and she had a C+, next Teddy got his back and he also had a C+. At this point I was getting nervous that I got a C+ or worse, then I got mine back. A-..... Sara, Kim and Teddy were a little upset. I was a little happy :). Ok, I was a lot happy :D!

Now I'm waiting for my grandparents to stop by in about 45 minutes to pick me up and take me home. We're all going to my sister's house for dinner and I'm a bit tired so they asked if I would like a ride. Grandparents are awesome!

Because I Can:

"I know a lot about cars, man. I can look at any car's headlights and tell you exactly which way it's coming."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yay Demo CDs

I was talking with a friend yesterday and for some reason she put her friend on the phone. Having never talked to this person before she was a little surprised to hear my voice. As some of you know, my voice is fairly low. Anyway, she really liked my voice and wanted to keep talking to me, but I had some work to do so I had to hang up and get going. While I was doing my work I came across my demo CD I had made for my high school senior project three years ago. I figured I would post it on here to be listened to. Unfortunately, audio files cannot be posted on here so I turned it into a video by adding some titles and some pictures to go along with it. It's not great but it works. Now back to work.

Because I Can:

"Every book is a children's book if the kid can read!"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Used To Like Cops

Until one pulled me over yesterday for what appeared to me to be no reason at all. I was picking up my friend Jimmy in Reminderville so we could head out to Valley View to see Fast and Furious, which was pretty good. Anyway, Jimmy gave me a call at 6:45 and told me he was getting ready to head back to his house and he would be there in 15 minutes so I got all my things together and went over to his house. I got there around 7:00 and texted him to let him know that I was there. He didn't come out or respond me so I tried calling him a few times but he didn't answer. At 5 after he got home and told be he'd be inside for a few minutes so he could get his wallet and some cash from his dad. I guess his dad wanted to have a talk with him or something because he was in there for 10 minutes, despite the fact his dad knew I was outside waiting for him.

At 7:15 he came out and got in the car and we started on our way. The speed limit on his street is 25mph and I was, admittedly, going about 35, but as I was going around a curve I saw a cop on my right and so I slowed down to 29. At the same moment I came around the curve and first saw the cop, I was close to 200 ft away from him at the time, he was pulling out of whatever spot he was in and started driving towards me going the opposite direction as I was. I was thinking I was good, nothing to worry about, and then he turned around. He came up behind me at a stop sign but didn't do anything so I thought, whatever I guess he's just turning around or something. I turned left and kept going and then the cop sped up to get behind me and turned on his lights. The following is the dialogue that took place between us.

Cop - "Hey there, I'm officer *forgot his name* of the Reminderville police department, how are you doing today?"

Me - "I'm doing pretty good, how about yourself?"

Cop - "Not bad, not bad. You in a hurry?"

Me - "Not especially, why do you ask?"

Cop - "Well I clocked you going 37 back there and the speed limit is posted as a 25mph zone."

Me - "Well I tend to pay pretty careful attention to my speed and my spedometer was telling me I was going about 30."

Cop - "Ok, well as I said, I clocked you going 37 just now and got you going 40 the other way a few minutes before that. I'm going to need to see your I.D. and proof of insurance please."

At this point I handed the requested documents to the cop and he went back to his car to run my info and Jimmy and I began to think about this. The cop was pulling out of the drive he was in before I even made it into his line of sight, he was headed in the opposite direction as me and he was going 25mph at the time that I passed him. He stopped and turned around in order to get me, said he clocked me going 35 just now and 40 going the opposite direction minutes before. On the way to Jimmy's house the cop wasn't there and I was doing 30, I waited outside Jimmy's house for 20 minutes and then did 30 going past the cop as he was doing 25 in the opposite direction, yet he claimed to clock me twice within minutes first going 40 and then going 37. In addition, instead of waiting until I passed him and then pulling out behind me, he was headed in the opposite direction and then spun around to come up behind me. Things just didn't seem to add up to me, and I don't think they did to the cop either.

Cop comes back from his car and says - "Alright well the posted speed is 25 mph."

Me - "Ok."

Cop - "That being said, I expect you to drive the posted speed from now on because you won't be gettign a warning next time."

Me - "Alright officer, thanks. I'm sorry."

Cop - "Alright now, you have a good day."

The fact that he just gave me a warning after claiming to have clocked me speeding not once, but twice; first going 15mph above the limit and then going 12 mph over the limit, and also spun around in order to come up behind me and pull me over makes me think he had me confused with someone else. Either way, I used to respect what cops did, and for the most part still do, but when they do silly things like that and waste my time and make me late for a movie for no reason it irks me a bit, I guess.

On another note, the movie wasn't bad. It was about what I expected of it. Unfortunately we got to the theater late and ended up having to sit in the 5th row from the front and look just about straight up to see the screen.

Because I Can:

"A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap."