Friday, August 28, 2009

Oh, Hi There :)

Ok, so it's been a while. This summer wasn't all that busy so I didn't really have much to report on save for a few things not important enough to write up.

Classes started this week. I'm lucky enough to not have any classes on Friday or I would be dead by tonight. Monday and Wednesday are easy days for me as I only have two classes with lots of time in between classes, Tuesday and Thursday are different stories. On Tuesday I have class from 9am to 8pm, with breaks in between and time to eat, and Thursday I have class non-stop with no more than 15 minutes between class from 9am to 5pm. Like I said, Monday and Wednesday are much better. My complete schedule is as follows:

Monday/Wednesday: 11-11:50am ~ Pocket Billiards (Pool)
4:25-5:40pm ~ Colonial American History
Tuesday: 9:15-10:30am ~ Physical Geology
1:45-3pm ~ English Composition
3:15-4:30pm ~ Psychology
5:20-7:50pm ~ American Literature
Thursday: 9:15-10:30am ~ Physical Geology
11am-1:30pm ~ Physical Geology Lab
1:45-3pm ~ English Composition
3:15-4:30pm ~ Psychology
Friday: All Day ~ Nothing :)

So it's a busy schedule but I have some time off and live much closer to campus now so I can walk if I wanted to, which I'm sure I will as long as the weather is nice. On days the weather is not nice I can take the Roo Express. The Roo Express is the school's bus system that goes to downtown Akron and also through neighborhoods surrounding the school. I got lucky witht he place I'm living in. I called one house that was renting rooms, but they were full. The Lessor of that house then gave me a number of a guy across the street that was also renting out his house and had rooms available.

The guy across the street, A.J., is super super nice, probably one of the nicest guys I have ever met. He is a landscaper that also does some contract work so he has completely remodeled the house. He put in new windows, fixed up the roof, built a back porch, put on new siding, took a low window in the kitchen and move it up about 3 feet, put in a new washer/dryer combo, new fridge, put an island in the kitchen, repainted, security lights, etc. and just did so much to the house in about a month.... by himself. In addition to all that, all utilities are paid for, cable and internet is paid for, he's putting cable hook-ups in all the rooms, he plows the driveway and the street from corner to corner, he shovels the walk, he's putting more space for parking in his backyard, AND he has a pet kitty and a pet husky. All that, and rent is $350 a month. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

This year has started off nicely so far. Things are looking good for me and I'm excited to move in this weekend. This past week was rough because I had to commute from Solon to Akron every day, but it was just for this week. I cannot wait until this year gets rolling and things start to settle down on campus, they usually do after the first couple of weeks. Here's hoping.

Because I Can:

“I think a rotisserie is like a really morbid ferris wheel for chickens. It’s a strange piece of machinery . . . We will take the chicken, kill it, impale it, and then rotate it. And I’ll be damned if I’m not hungry! Because spinning chicken carcasses make my mouth water! I like dizzy chicken. With a side of potatoes of some sort.”


  1. WELCOME BACK JARED! Your room at the house sounds fantastic. With your schedule this semester time will fly by. Looking forward to occasional updates on the "Life of Jared" Can't wait to hear how you like Pocket Billiards. Grandma use to play in her younger day. Those days are long gone for me now. :)

  2. nice to have Fridays off
