Monday, June 15, 2009

Three Weeks Ago...

I went to visit the Happy Grandma with Erica to make pie. Today, I finally got around to writing a post about it because I've been super slow about getting it done. We went on Friday, but I am going to start with Thursday.

That Thursday, I decided to head back to Akron to watch the Cavs game rather than go to a bar in Solon and go back to Akron afterward. Well, turns out my roommates dad, who pays for the cable, decided that he didn't want to pay for the last two days that anyone would possibly be there so he turned off the cable. That's all well and good, I can understand why, but now here I am in an apartment all alone with nothing to do, no DVDs or video games to play -- because I brought them all home in lieu of moving out Saturday -- no cable, no internet, nothing whatsoever for me to do to occupy my time except play solitaire on my laptop for several hours. Luckily, my friends Carmen and Atlie gave me a call and asked what I was doing, upon telling them the story they decided to come by my apartment and go to Applebee's with me so I could watch the game and not feel totally alone. Yay friends! Yay Cavs, too -- they won! After the game I went back to my apartment and spent another few hours playing solitaire before finally heading to bed.

Friday, all the fun began. Erica picked me up and after fixing a blown fuse in her car, we finally got going. When we got to grandma's she didn't waste any time getting us started. Immediately we were chopping up strawberries and rhubarb for the pie, measuring everything for dough for a pie crust and working our tails off on pie. After everything was chopped, sliced, rolled and put together, we placed the pies in the oven and went across the street to look at some swans at their amish neighbor's house. Papa swan was fun to watch, he seemed awefully protective of his youngin's, but I don't blame him. After a little swan watching we went back to the house and I got a tour of the backyard as well as a showing of some quilts that grandma made. The quilts all looked amazing. After the pies were done Erica and I got on our way so she could make it home by dinner time. I put my pie away and waited until I moved home to share my pie with everyone else. The all loved it, in fact, my grandma was wondering if she could get the recipe we used :).

Saturday was move out day. Since I had spent the previous two weeks driving home anything I didn't need myself I had relatively little to move out. I had a few pieces of furniture and some dishes and that was about it. Matt's stuff, on the other hand, took a little more time to move out. Now I'm back home and looking for a job. I'm trying to avoid working in restaurants, but I may not have a choice in the matter at this point.

Because I Can:

"They say people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. OK. How about nobody should throw stones? It's crappy behavior. My policy is - No stone throwing regardless of housing situation. Don't do it. There is one exception though. If you are trapped in a glass house and you have a stone. Throw it. You an idiot? So really, it's only people IN glass houses who should throw stones! Provided they are trapped. In the house. With stones. It's a little longer, but yeah."

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! I can still work a tail off someone. I loved your story and I'm glad the pie tasted good. That was hilarious reading your experience from your perspective.
