Friday, May 8, 2009

Long Overdue.

So it has been a considerable while since my last update.

Since last time, I have written three papers, taken four tests and two finals. Two of the papers were assignments due by the end of the semester which I put off until an hour before they were due (Yay me!) and the last one was a take-home final which I waited until the day it was due to write and turn in. As for the four tests, two of them were finals, but I did well on the other two as well. Hopefully if all goes well I'll finish the semester with A, A, A, B; though it may also end up A, A, B, B which is also pretty good I suppose. I'll let you all know how it turned out.

My last final was yesterday afternoon so I am all done now, officially. I should start to schedule classes for next year, like real ones. So far I have scheduled Billiards and Bowling but still need the real classes. Any suggestions for someone planning on being a mid level education major (grades 4-8)?

Well, as I said, I am all done now and I have my apartment until the end of May so I'm just relaxing for the next 20 some odd days I have left before I have to move out. This is going to be both a fun and boring stretch, I feel.

Because I Can:

"My sister wanted to be an actress, but she never made it. She does live in a trailer. She got halfway. She's an actress, she just never gets called to the set."

1 comment:

  1. Whew!!!! All done for the year? You deserve a little R&R.
