Saturday, December 12, 2009

Man, Oh Man!

Has it been a while or what?!

Ok so a lot has happened since my last real post. Obviously, an entire semester has gone by. Well, where do I begin?

So my schedule was rather interesting, as I had previously posted. There was a lot of time between classes on some days and none on others. Well, nothing to worry about there anymore, since it's all done. Classes went very well. With only some grades in I know that I've done pretty well. I got a C in my Psychology class, which I'm not too happy about, but it's a lot of terms and people and other little things to learn that I just had some trouble grasping, I guess. I got an A in Billiards, but that's that and not much to that. I got a B in my American Literature class, which I am extremely happy with. There was a lot, a lot, a lot of reading to do for that class and the tests weren't the easiest, so I'm proud of that B. Still waiting for grades in my other classes and I'll share them as they come in if I remember.

Besides my classes there have been a few other things going on. My housing situation is wonderful. My landlord is still awesome, as is his pet doggy, Sheba. Unfortunately though, his step father, who was visiting here this past week with his mother, had a heart attack yesterday (Friday) morning. Fortunately he is okay. He had gone down to his car and was about to drive off when he noticed he had a missed call. Before he turned on the car he looked at his phone and actually passed out for a few seconds. When he came to, he worked his way back to the hotel room where he passed out on his bed. An ambulance came and got him and today he is doing okay. My roommate, Josh, can be a little annoying at times, but that's expected when you live with someone. My other roommate, Jensen, is planning on moving out before next semester, if he can, so I'll be getting to know someone else in a month or two. I have most of my classes scheduled for next semester. I think I just need one more, so I have to look around for that.

As for my little message right before this one about a bad week, that is because three days prior to that, on November 2, my girlfriend broke up with me. I was pretty upset and sad and all that stuff for a few weeks, but I'm doing a lot better now. We've started talking a little bit and are starting to act as friends.

Don't know what else I could possibly say right now. Feel free to ask me about anything.

Because I Can:

"Fettucini alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Real Short Post

So maybe I'll update later, but it's been a bad week this week. That is all.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Oh, Hi There :)

Ok, so it's been a while. This summer wasn't all that busy so I didn't really have much to report on save for a few things not important enough to write up.

Classes started this week. I'm lucky enough to not have any classes on Friday or I would be dead by tonight. Monday and Wednesday are easy days for me as I only have two classes with lots of time in between classes, Tuesday and Thursday are different stories. On Tuesday I have class from 9am to 8pm, with breaks in between and time to eat, and Thursday I have class non-stop with no more than 15 minutes between class from 9am to 5pm. Like I said, Monday and Wednesday are much better. My complete schedule is as follows:

Monday/Wednesday: 11-11:50am ~ Pocket Billiards (Pool)
4:25-5:40pm ~ Colonial American History
Tuesday: 9:15-10:30am ~ Physical Geology
1:45-3pm ~ English Composition
3:15-4:30pm ~ Psychology
5:20-7:50pm ~ American Literature
Thursday: 9:15-10:30am ~ Physical Geology
11am-1:30pm ~ Physical Geology Lab
1:45-3pm ~ English Composition
3:15-4:30pm ~ Psychology
Friday: All Day ~ Nothing :)

So it's a busy schedule but I have some time off and live much closer to campus now so I can walk if I wanted to, which I'm sure I will as long as the weather is nice. On days the weather is not nice I can take the Roo Express. The Roo Express is the school's bus system that goes to downtown Akron and also through neighborhoods surrounding the school. I got lucky witht he place I'm living in. I called one house that was renting rooms, but they were full. The Lessor of that house then gave me a number of a guy across the street that was also renting out his house and had rooms available.

The guy across the street, A.J., is super super nice, probably one of the nicest guys I have ever met. He is a landscaper that also does some contract work so he has completely remodeled the house. He put in new windows, fixed up the roof, built a back porch, put on new siding, took a low window in the kitchen and move it up about 3 feet, put in a new washer/dryer combo, new fridge, put an island in the kitchen, repainted, security lights, etc. and just did so much to the house in about a month.... by himself. In addition to all that, all utilities are paid for, cable and internet is paid for, he's putting cable hook-ups in all the rooms, he plows the driveway and the street from corner to corner, he shovels the walk, he's putting more space for parking in his backyard, AND he has a pet kitty and a pet husky. All that, and rent is $350 a month. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

This year has started off nicely so far. Things are looking good for me and I'm excited to move in this weekend. This past week was rough because I had to commute from Solon to Akron every day, but it was just for this week. I cannot wait until this year gets rolling and things start to settle down on campus, they usually do after the first couple of weeks. Here's hoping.

Because I Can:

“I think a rotisserie is like a really morbid ferris wheel for chickens. It’s a strange piece of machinery . . . We will take the chicken, kill it, impale it, and then rotate it. And I’ll be damned if I’m not hungry! Because spinning chicken carcasses make my mouth water! I like dizzy chicken. With a side of potatoes of some sort.”

Monday, June 15, 2009

Three Weeks Ago...

I went to visit the Happy Grandma with Erica to make pie. Today, I finally got around to writing a post about it because I've been super slow about getting it done. We went on Friday, but I am going to start with Thursday.

That Thursday, I decided to head back to Akron to watch the Cavs game rather than go to a bar in Solon and go back to Akron afterward. Well, turns out my roommates dad, who pays for the cable, decided that he didn't want to pay for the last two days that anyone would possibly be there so he turned off the cable. That's all well and good, I can understand why, but now here I am in an apartment all alone with nothing to do, no DVDs or video games to play -- because I brought them all home in lieu of moving out Saturday -- no cable, no internet, nothing whatsoever for me to do to occupy my time except play solitaire on my laptop for several hours. Luckily, my friends Carmen and Atlie gave me a call and asked what I was doing, upon telling them the story they decided to come by my apartment and go to Applebee's with me so I could watch the game and not feel totally alone. Yay friends! Yay Cavs, too -- they won! After the game I went back to my apartment and spent another few hours playing solitaire before finally heading to bed.

Friday, all the fun began. Erica picked me up and after fixing a blown fuse in her car, we finally got going. When we got to grandma's she didn't waste any time getting us started. Immediately we were chopping up strawberries and rhubarb for the pie, measuring everything for dough for a pie crust and working our tails off on pie. After everything was chopped, sliced, rolled and put together, we placed the pies in the oven and went across the street to look at some swans at their amish neighbor's house. Papa swan was fun to watch, he seemed awefully protective of his youngin's, but I don't blame him. After a little swan watching we went back to the house and I got a tour of the backyard as well as a showing of some quilts that grandma made. The quilts all looked amazing. After the pies were done Erica and I got on our way so she could make it home by dinner time. I put my pie away and waited until I moved home to share my pie with everyone else. The all loved it, in fact, my grandma was wondering if she could get the recipe we used :).

Saturday was move out day. Since I had spent the previous two weeks driving home anything I didn't need myself I had relatively little to move out. I had a few pieces of furniture and some dishes and that was about it. Matt's stuff, on the other hand, took a little more time to move out. Now I'm back home and looking for a job. I'm trying to avoid working in restaurants, but I may not have a choice in the matter at this point.

Because I Can:

"They say people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. OK. How about nobody should throw stones? It's crappy behavior. My policy is - No stone throwing regardless of housing situation. Don't do it. There is one exception though. If you are trapped in a glass house and you have a stone. Throw it. You an idiot? So really, it's only people IN glass houses who should throw stones! Provided they are trapped. In the house. With stones. It's a little longer, but yeah."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Over the past month-ish I had a few things I've been meaning to post but never really got to it.

I'll be moving from my apartment in Akron back home to Solon on Saturday. This means I won't have anywhere to watch games 6 and 7 in the Cavs-Magic Series so I'll have to go to a bar or something. While I am a little disappointed that they lost game 4 I am still 100% confident that they can win the series. Sure, they're down 3-1, but I don't see them losing 2 out of 3 games at home when they really only lost 1 game at home all season. Likewise, I don't see them losing 2 out of 3 games on the road. It will be tough. Only 8 teams have ever come back from being down 3 games to 1, but the Cavs will make it 9.

Besides moving out I'm not sure what else I'll be doing over the summer. I'm having trouble finding a job and may end up just doing house/yardwork for my parents for minimum wage. If that doesn't work out then I'll see what happens. This Friday I'm very excited and totally looking forward to going to visit the Happy Grandma to make some pie! Yay pie!

Because I Can:

"I hope that after I die, people will say of me: ‘That guy sure owed me a lot of money.’" -Jack Handey

Friday, May 8, 2009

Long Overdue.

So it has been a considerable while since my last update.

Since last time, I have written three papers, taken four tests and two finals. Two of the papers were assignments due by the end of the semester which I put off until an hour before they were due (Yay me!) and the last one was a take-home final which I waited until the day it was due to write and turn in. As for the four tests, two of them were finals, but I did well on the other two as well. Hopefully if all goes well I'll finish the semester with A, A, A, B; though it may also end up A, A, B, B which is also pretty good I suppose. I'll let you all know how it turned out.

My last final was yesterday afternoon so I am all done now, officially. I should start to schedule classes for next year, like real ones. So far I have scheduled Billiards and Bowling but still need the real classes. Any suggestions for someone planning on being a mid level education major (grades 4-8)?

Well, as I said, I am all done now and I have my apartment until the end of May so I'm just relaxing for the next 20 some odd days I have left before I have to move out. This is going to be both a fun and boring stretch, I feel.

Because I Can:

"My sister wanted to be an actress, but she never made it. She does live in a trailer. She got halfway. She's an actress, she just never gets called to the set."

Friday, April 24, 2009

Procrastination Rocks

So I'm coming to the realization that I'm a lazy student. I have been awake for the past 20+ hours writing a 6 page paper on why lying is good. It was assigned over a week ago and is due today (Friday) in a few hours. Before I can turn it in though I have to finish writing a 5 minute speech on how to stop emotional/mental and physical abuse for a group speech project that is due, yup, today. I missed the last two classes, Monday I wasn't feeling well and Wednesday my car was blocked in, and so I was unaware when I would be going or what the speech was supposed to be on as my group hadn't told me yet. When I texted a kid in my group to ask him what the deal was he simply responded with, "We go tomorrow. You're the conclusion. Maria said she e-mailed you the topic. You have to say how to stop abuse. It has to be 5 minutes long." Sweet... thanks for the advanced warning people.

Today is my dad's birthday and I was planning on going home but now I'm not. A few things factored into this decision. 1) I am not going to drive the 35 minutes home after 30ish hours of being awake. 2) He's coming down here Saturday. 3) He's coming down here Sunday. 4) I have a portfolio due Monday that needs to include 2 papers, a letter and a revision statement. 5) I have 2 papers due by Friday online. 6) I think I have a take-home test due by Friday as well but since I missed the last 2 classes I don't know if it's been handed out yet.

Yea, I hate the last week of classes. On the brighter side, yay last week of classes! After this week I have 2 finals and then I'm done! Then comes the joy of a continued search for a job. Anyone hiring? :D

Because I Can:

"I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential."