Saturday, December 12, 2009

Man, Oh Man!

Has it been a while or what?!

Ok so a lot has happened since my last real post. Obviously, an entire semester has gone by. Well, where do I begin?

So my schedule was rather interesting, as I had previously posted. There was a lot of time between classes on some days and none on others. Well, nothing to worry about there anymore, since it's all done. Classes went very well. With only some grades in I know that I've done pretty well. I got a C in my Psychology class, which I'm not too happy about, but it's a lot of terms and people and other little things to learn that I just had some trouble grasping, I guess. I got an A in Billiards, but that's that and not much to that. I got a B in my American Literature class, which I am extremely happy with. There was a lot, a lot, a lot of reading to do for that class and the tests weren't the easiest, so I'm proud of that B. Still waiting for grades in my other classes and I'll share them as they come in if I remember.

Besides my classes there have been a few other things going on. My housing situation is wonderful. My landlord is still awesome, as is his pet doggy, Sheba. Unfortunately though, his step father, who was visiting here this past week with his mother, had a heart attack yesterday (Friday) morning. Fortunately he is okay. He had gone down to his car and was about to drive off when he noticed he had a missed call. Before he turned on the car he looked at his phone and actually passed out for a few seconds. When he came to, he worked his way back to the hotel room where he passed out on his bed. An ambulance came and got him and today he is doing okay. My roommate, Josh, can be a little annoying at times, but that's expected when you live with someone. My other roommate, Jensen, is planning on moving out before next semester, if he can, so I'll be getting to know someone else in a month or two. I have most of my classes scheduled for next semester. I think I just need one more, so I have to look around for that.

As for my little message right before this one about a bad week, that is because three days prior to that, on November 2, my girlfriend broke up with me. I was pretty upset and sad and all that stuff for a few weeks, but I'm doing a lot better now. We've started talking a little bit and are starting to act as friends.

Don't know what else I could possibly say right now. Feel free to ask me about anything.

Because I Can:

"Fettucini alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults."